This stud finder is really something special. We only write about special stud finders here. (Actually, we’ll review the and ones too) this is probably your best bet for a magnetic stud finder.
It’s got such awesome customer reviews, (more on that in a moment) that if you were buying based solely on how good the reviews are, you’d be whipping our wallet in less time than it takes to turn your phone on.
Read The Full In-depth Review of CH Hanson Click Here
The device we’re talking about today is the Ch Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finder, and it’s such a simple and cheap device yet one that could potentially save you both time and money.
When you’re looking for a stud in a wall, you just want to find it, as fast as you can but at the same time, you want it to be found accurately.
You don’t want to waste time with some fancy electronic stud finder, although for some jobs, this is needed.
This is aimed at people who want a magnetic stud finder that is both cheap AND effective, and that’s exactly what it delivers.
Let’s talk a little bit about this product, and what it does. Of course, it finds studs. That goes without saying, but how does it do so?
It uses ‘powerful rare earth magnets’ which enable it to locate the metal stud in the wall quickly and accurately. While it can’t detect different types of metal and wiring, or pipework as well as an electric one can, it is basically the entry-level economic magnetic stud finder.
The Ch Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finder will be your best bet for the simple location of studs, without spending too much money on a fancy electric device!
Ch Hanson 03040 Magnetic Stud Finder Reviews?
The reviews on Amazon alone for these products are amazing. 31 people would rate it a 5 star, and a further 5 would rate it a 4 star. NO-ONE would rate it as lower than that.
Think about that for a second, out of EVERYONE who’s rated this product, no-one has rated it below a 4 star. That says something. don’t believe me? Check it out.
So what’s the overview? Basically. This is the most cost-effective magnetic stud finder you can get on the market right now. If you’re looking for something more technical, then you’ll want to check out the best stud finders page or look further afield but for a magnetic stud finder, the Ch Hanson 03040 is more than adequate.
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